Known for their intelligence and loyalty, German Shepherds are versatile and make excellent guard dogs at a reasonable price.
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Rottweilers are strong, protective, and surprisingly affordable. They are great for guarding and family companionship.
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Dobermans are sleek, powerful, and very loyal. Their intimidating presence is perfect for security on a budget.
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Bullmastiffs are large, strong, and gentle giants. They provide great security without high maintenance costs.
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Boxers are energetic and protective. Their friendly nature with family and alertness make them ideal guard dogs.
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Belgian Malinois are highly trainable and vigilant. They are budget-friendly and excellent for home security.
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Akitas are loyal and fearless. Their protective nature makes them great for guarding homes without hefty expenses.
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American Bulldogs are strong and reliable. They are affordable and perfect for families needing a guard dog.
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