The Top 8 Worst Cat Breeds to Own for the First Time

Bengal Cat

Bengals are high-energy and need lots of stimulation. They can be too demanding for new owners.

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Sphynx Cat

Sphynx cats need frequent grooming and can be sensitive. Their care may be overwhelming for beginners.

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Maine Coon

Maine Coons are large and require regular grooming. They need space and attention, which can be challenging for first-timers.

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Siamese Cat

Siamese cats are very vocal and demanding. Their high activity level might be too much for inexperienced owners.

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Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds can have health issues due to their unique gene. Managing their health requires experience.

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Russian Blue

Russian Blues can be aloof and might not easily adapt to new people or environments. They need a patient owner.

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Abyssinians are very active and require a lot of playtime. They might be too much for someone new to cat care.

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Devon Rex

Devon Rex cats have special grooming needs and can be quite energetic. They require a committed owner.

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