Marvelous 8 Quick Terrible Traits of Corgi

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Corgi Barking

Corgis are notorious barkers. Their herding instincts make them alert and vocal about any movement.

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Herding Instincts

Corgis have strong herding instincts, often nipping at heels, which can be troublesome in households with children.

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Stubborn Nature

Corgis can be stubborn and independent, making training a bit of a challenge for new owners.

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High Energy

With their high energy levels, Corgis need plenty of exercise. Without it, they may become destructive.

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Shedding Fur

Corgis shed a lot. Their double coat requires regular grooming to manage the constant fur.

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Food Obsession

Corgis love food and can easily become overweight if their diet isn't monitored carefully.

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Separation Anxiety

Corgis can suffer from separation anxiety, leading to destructive behaviors when left alone too long.

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Territorial Behavior

Corgis can be territorial, often guarding their home and family with excessive barking.

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