Freak 8 Cunning habits of Maine Coon

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Expert Hunters

Maine Coons have strong hunting instincts. They love to chase and catch small prey.

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Door Openers

These clever cats can figure out how to open doors, showing their problem-solving skills.

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Water Lovers

Unlike most cats, Maine Coons enjoy water. They might even join you in the shower!

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Vocal Communicators

Maine Coons are very vocal. They use different sounds to communicate their needs.

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Toy Hiders

They have a habit of hiding their toys in unusual places, keeping their playthings safe.

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Follows You

Maine Coons love to follow their owners around, showing their affectionate nature.

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Fetch Enthusiasts

These cats enjoy playing fetch, similar to dogs, bringing toys back to their owners.

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Sneaky Snacks

Maine Coons are known for sneaking food. Keep your snacks out of reach!

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