8 Top Protective Instincts of Maine Coon Cats

Guarding Territory

Maine Coons are vigilant about their home. They patrol and monitor their territory to keep it secure from intruders.

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Alert to Danger

These cats have keen senses and quickly notice unusual sounds or movements, alerting their owners to potential threats.

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Protective of Family

Maine Coons form strong bonds with their family and will act to protect them if they sense danger or discomfort.

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Defensive Posture

When they feel threatened, Maine Coons use a defensive posture. They stand tall and puff up to appear more intimidating.

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Monitoring Children

They watch over children carefully, often intervening if they believe the child is in harm's way.

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Alerting Owners

Maine Coons will vocalize or become agitated to draw attention if they sense something amiss around their home.

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Comforting Presence

When family members are stressed or sick, Maine Coons offer comfort by staying close and providing physical warmth.

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Training Response

Join Riley Keough, Priscilla Presley, and Lisa Marie Presley on their heartfelt visit to Graceland, paying homage to Elvis.

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