Top 10 Aggressive Fantastic Hunting Instincts of the Corgi Dog Breeds

Corgis, with their short legs and sturdy bodies, are often seen as cute and cuddly pets. However, these dogs are packed with a fantastic array of aggressive hunting instincts that make them excellent working dogs. Originally bred for herding cattle, Corgis have a natural inclination toward hunting and herding behaviors. Let’s dive into the top 10 aggressive fantastic hunting instincts of the Corgi dog breeds. Despite their small size, Corgis have a strong sense of smell. This helps them track and locate prey, making them effective hunters.

High Prey Drive

Corgis have a high prey drive, which means they are naturally inclined to chase moving objects. This instinct is a carryover from their herding days, where they would chase and nip at cattle to keep them in line. Despite their small size, Corgis have a strong sense of smell. This helps them track and locate prey, making them effective hunters.


Corgis are incredibly alert and have keen senses, making them excellent watchdogs. Their sharp hearing and sight allow them to detect movement and sounds from a distance, a trait essential for hunting.

Quick Reflexes

These dogs have quick reflexes, which are vital in a hunting scenario. Whether it’s catching a small animal or reacting to a sudden movement, Corgis are always ready to spring into action.

Stalking Behavior

Corgis exhibit stalking behavior similar to larger hunting breeds. They will lower their bodies and slowly approach their target, showcasing their stealth and patience, essential traits in a hunter.

Barking as a Signal

Their barking is not just for making noise; Corgis use it as a signal to alert their owners of potential prey or danger. This makes them not only good hunters but also reliable companions in a hunting expedition.

Nipping and Herding Instincts

The nipping and herding instincts of Corgis come in handy while hunting. They can herd smaller animals and keep them in check, similar to how they would control cattle.


Corgis are known for their persistence. Once they have locked onto a target, they will not easily give up, showcasing their tenacity and determination, which are crucial in hunting.

Strong Sense of Smell

Despite their small size, Corgis have a strong sense of smell. This helps them track and locate prey, making them effective hunters.

Energy and Endurance

Corgis have high energy levels and impressive endurance. They can keep up with the demands of a hunt, running and tracking prey for long periods without tiring.

Protective Nature

Corgis have a protective nature, which extends to their hunting instincts. They will fiercely guard their catch and ensure that it is not taken away, reflecting their aggressive and protective traits.


Corgis are more than just adorable pets; they are packed with a myriad of aggressive and fantastic hunting instincts. From their high prey drive to their protective nature, these traits make them excellent hunters and herders. Whether you’re looking for a companion for outdoor adventures or a diligent watchdog, the Corgi’s hunting instincts make them a versatile and reliable breed. Despite their small size, Corgis have a strong sense of smell. This helps them track and locate prey, making them effective hunters.


Are Corgis good hunting dogs?

Yes, Corgis have excellent hunting instincts and can be effective in tracking and herding small animals.

Can Corgis be trained for hunting?

Absolutely, with proper training, Corgis can harness their natural instincts to become skilled hunting dogs.

Do Corgis have a strong prey drive?

Yes, Corgis have a high prey drive, making them naturally inclined to chase and hunt.

Are Corgis good watchdogs?

Yes, their alertness and barking abilities make them excellent watchdogs.

How do Corgis use their hunting instincts in daily life?

Corgis often exhibit their hunting instincts through play, chasing, and herding behaviors.

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