Although the Emperor was defeated and the second Death Star was destroyed during the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi, the Empire was not officially ended in the Star Wars timeline. The Empire’s reign, which lasted 24 years until the Emperor’s first death, is most likely the central story of this universe. Characters are defined and changed when they fight for, against, or around the Empire.
However, a new Star Wars book has fully explained the history of the Galactic Empire. Dr. Chris Kempshall, a real-life historian, wrote The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, and it is clear that the book is written from an in-universe perspective. With this new retrospective on the Empire in hand, it’s time to acknowledge that Return of the Jedi was far from the end of the Empire.
Too many imperial leaders believed they could fill the power vacuum
With so many powerful military leaders, it is understandable that the Empire could not be defeated in a single battle. Following Endor, Imperial warlords proliferated among the remaining Imperial forces, each leading their own small section of the Empire. This is primarily due to the collapse of central power structures in the Empire that linked them together.
Imperial leaders, who were inherently evil and selfish, claimed their own areas of space and fought the New Republic on their own terms. The war against the New Republic was officially over at the Battle of Jakku, but this did not deter the warlords. They persisted, albeit on a smaller scale, as seen in The Mandalorian, where Moff Gideon leads the Imperial Shadow Council, a loose alliance of Imperial remnant leaders working to keep the Empire hidden.
The Rebel Alliance’s broadcasts unintentionally played into xenophobic fears
Since the release of Return of the Jedi, which featured Battle of Endor celebrations with drums made of Imperial helmets, one fan theory has persisted. This theory has previously appeared in Star Wars stories, and it has done so again, this time as possible Imperial propaganda. What exactly happened to the troopers who used to wear those helmets? The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire states this:
Palpatine was not just a Sith; he directed the galaxy
The Emperor held absolute authority in the Empire. It was his domain, and he was the mastermind behind the entire regime’s existence, from the Battle of Naboo to the execution of Order 66 and the declaration of the Empire. Because of this, many people believe that the Empire would not function without him – but they are mistaken.
Palpatine was more than just a Sith, the supreme villain in command. He was also a cunning and ruthlessly evil politician who created an Empire of people, brainwashing them into believing that the Empire’s control over the galaxy is beneficial. Palpatine would not have been able to sustain power as a single Sith. Palpatine needed at least some of the galaxy’s people on his side, and he had plenty of them after orchestrating the Clone Wars and making an enemy of the Jedi.
The Empire had made everyone complicit
Building on the previous point, the Empire’s existence arose from the corruption that grew in the final years of the Galactic Republic. This allowed for a smooth transition when Palpatine declared the Empire. Corruption was rampant, and it became even more prevalent under a regime led by a Sith, who do everything in deceptive and corrupt ways.
Some imperial leaders even knew about records of complicity
Many high-ranking Imperials were not only complicit in the Imperial military and government’s terrible actions, but they were also aware that their actions were being recorded. During the war, many Imperials defected to the Rebel Alliance and, later, the New Republic in order to fight for what was right and atone for their mistakes. This, however, was halted by fear for some of them, as Palpatine had recorded all of their terrible acts.
Orders Had Been Issued For Palpatine’s Defeat
As previously stated, Palpatine’s passing did not spell the end for the Empire. In fact, it was the catalyst for Operation Cinder, which helped the Empire grow. Droids with Palpatine’s face chose the most devoted soldiers to brief on the contingency plan in the event of the Emperor’s death by using the Empire’s database on Imperial activity. The ensuing campaign was extremely violent. According to what was written in The Galactic Empire: Rise and Fall
The New Republic was populated by imperially friendly people
Following the formal end of the war at Jakku, chancellor Mon Mothma worked hard to keep the Imperial remnant at peace. Reconciliation opportunities for regular Empire citizens constituted a significant portion of that endeavor. This is demonstrated rather well in The Mandalorian’s New Republic Amnesty Program, which featured Penn Pershing and Elia Kane as two potential participants. While Pershing is genuinely content to work for the New Republic, Kane continues to be loyal to the Imperial cause while operating covertly.
Mon Mothma’s Justifiable Fears Prevented The New Republic From Upholding Security
Demilitarization efforts were initiated by the New Republic around the time of the Battle of Jakku. Chancellor Mon Mothma realized that the war was coming to an end and sought to keep the peace while also averting the rise of a second emperor by cutting the size of the former Rebel Alliance military to just 10% of its original strength. Mothma lowered the New Republic’s military because he feared a recurrence of the Clone Wars’ events, which started with a military buildup. However, this had some long-lasting effects. Details of the Galactic Empire’s rise and fall:
The New Republic was not honest about the Empire
The most surprising point in The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire comes at the end, which is also the point of the entire work in-universe. The author, Beaumont Kin, wants to ensure that no future generation suffers as his and the previous generation did, and he is doing so through education – because the Empire’s true nature was unknown long after Return of the Jedi. It may have appeared defeated, but a military victory does not imply ideological victory.
The New Republic failed to properly educate itself about the Empire’s origins and how it gradually rose through complacency. This resulted in the Empire’s ideology never truly dying, but rather transitioning into the First Order. The Empire’s ideology was once again defeated at the Battle of Exegol, but The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire demonstrates that the Empire can survive solely on public ignorance, much like fascism in the real world. With The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, Star Wars and Dr. Kempshall remind people to always be vigilant.